Friday, May 22, 2020

Piece of Mind...Peace of Mind

Hello healthy people: I'm back to talk stress management because I can't stress much staying organized can change your life for the better! -create yourself a to-do list for the week. Stay on task. Feel accomplished. Get things done! And with less stress and anxiety! Stress kills, so in a way.... your to-do list could be a legit weekly life saver! Create a vision board, hang up a calendar or use old fashioned pen and paper to create a list of things you want to complete each week. Add a few practical and achievable dates and then watch the magic happen.

You'll become a doer. An accomplished individual, In control, Calm N steady. Not much of a list maker? No worries, neither was I... until I saw the benefits of keeping a list of plans for the week/month. Then viola! I'm a list maker...also less stressed and more organized.

For helpful tips on how to become more organized in your own personal life, revisit my blog titled: "Tis the season to set new goals".

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Take Control... Live Better

It's no secret that negative thinking can get you down, making it hard to get back up! I'd like to encourage you to try a healthier way of thinking to help fight depression and negative thoughts. I've personally battled with depression and these self care tips are practical and life changing. I've shared them with my own clients and I'm sharing them with you all now! Take care, recover and maintain!!
STOP: See The Opportunities Present.
Eat well, rest and get enough physical activity to manage stress.
Think hopeful/positive thoughts to help you stay motivated during challenging times.
If you're struggling, find a counselor or health coach to help you get on track. 😊
I hope someone found this to be helpful. I'm sending good vibes and well wishes your way. And as always...Be Well.💜

Wellness within...Wellness...Wellnes within....Wellnes

Piece of Mind...Peace of Mind

Hello healthy people: I'm back to talk stress management because I can't stress much staying organized can change your ...