Tuesday, November 27, 2018

You are what you eat: don't be fast, cheap, easy or fake…

You are what you eat: don't be fast, cheap, easy or fake:

This saying may make you laugh a little at first glance but it's something to be taken seriously, especially if you're thinking long term. Sitting around one day last week chatting with friends, one mentioned they wanted longer and stronger hair. I simply responded by saying "well, if you want your flowers to bloom, your soil has to be clean." Simply put, our hair, skin, teeth and nails are our beautiful flowers. But they only shine if they have the right environment in which to grow and flourish. Ex: drinking water, eating fresh/fresh frozen fruit and vegetables, whole grains, heart healthy fats and lean animal proteins.

I know it seems easy and convenient to swing through a drive-thru but at what cost..? Is it really easy and convenient months or years later when the weight is packed on and you're less than comfortable, ready to lose the weight but are struggling? Or what about when your lab results from annual check ups are less than desirable? Lets not forget about health screenings on corporate jobs/careers? -if you don't meet certain criteria/guidelines -there are disadvantages and surcharges you could be forced to pay for not meeting these standards…

To avoid the real disadvantages of slumming the bottom of the barrel when it comes to food on a consistent basis, it's important to remember how easy life can be when u simply prepare and plan ahead…I cannot encourage people enough: know your inventory! -this is what you have in your fridge and what you have in your pantry. Buy microwave safe cook-ware for left overs to have at lunch the next day, buy quick and easy breakfast options like granola or high fiber breakfast bars, boiled egg(s), fresh fruit, healthy options for frozen breakfast sandwiches like Jimmy Dean delights… pack snacks the night before and buy pre-packaged snacks (trail mix, mixed nuts, loose granola, dried fruit, protein drinks/bars, whole fruit, low fat string cheese, rice cakes, etc.) to take to work to give you energy and keep hunger away. -this will also keep you away from less healthy options in vending machines. Be mindful to keep water at your desk and in plain view so you don’t forget to drink. If it's hard for you to drink water during the winter, try to make it more desirable. -add fresh fruit to water to add flavor or add a sugar free drink mix.

Takeaway: We really are what we eat. On a deeper level, what is on our insides reflect what is seen on the outside. If you want your flowers to shine brightly, eat clean, eat fresh and eat well. I encourage us all, lets put our best foot forward and strive to present our best selves…when you think about it, what can you do to make yourself a better and brighter you? -get better lab results, have more energy, a brighter smile, a glowing skin complexion, vibrant hair and shimmering eyes! -could you do more physical activity, eat more fruit and veggies, drink more water and less beer or soda/juice, eat less fried foods and more baked/broiled? To make it easy, just pick one small goal for the month and add on as you see fit.



Monday, November 12, 2018

How do YOU deal with stress??

Hello fam bam!! I hope everyone is practicing setting small goals and being productive by holding true to them, if even just a little bit... Progress is powerful, so get up and get after it! 

Understandably, there are so many factors that affect how we live our lives and go after our dreams/goals. I for one, am going through my own struggles...one of them is seeking mental freedom but I am actively finding ways to deal with and manage my stress and I encourage you all to do the same.

The struggle is real and struggle is stressful but it's also a real part of life. Stress management is the key to survival

How do you know if/when you're stressed..?

-Increased heart rate
-Stomach and digestive issues
-Diarrhea/loose bowels
-Chest pain
-High blood pressure

Mental signs of stress can include but are NOT limited to: tension or tightness of the face, neck and shoulders, anger, irritability, discontentment, constant worrying and impatience/apprehension. 

Reduce stress with physical activity: There are so many benefits of exercise when talking about managing stress: it relaxes the body and mind, burns fat, improves the cardiovascular system, brings in more oxygen, reduces the chance of chronic diseases and lowers blood pressure.

Physical activity provides an outlet for negative emotions such as worry, irritability, depression, hostility, anger, frustration and anxiety... -let it out on the basketball/volleyball court or the dance floor!! (my favorite place to release stress :) )
Exercise helps to create a confident and positive self image, leaving you feeling more outgoing and social due to increased energy and elevated mood. So, give yourself a self-esteem boost and create a small physical activity challenge for yourself or with some buddies.

-Here are a few simple examples of some things you can all try: park father away from the job site and walk to the building, skip the elevator/escalator and take the stairs, use an app on you smart phone to track your footsteps each day and challenge yourself to aim higher each week, take advantage of your lunch break...instead of sitting down using your mobile device, take a short fifteen minute walk to raise your heart rate or just blow off some steam built up from your day. The key to success is finding an activity that you enjoy and staying committed! Try to stick it out for 21 days to create a new habit. Per research, it takes 21 days to create/break a habit. You can do a self check and see how you feel; stress levels should be lowered and you should have a little more energy. Yay!! 

Reducing stress with healthy eating: Though it may seem easier to grab fast food, snack on 
chips/sweets from the vending machines and have love affairs with soda/energy drinks...these unhealthy options actually increase stress in an already stressful situation. 
My advice is to set yourself up for success and plan ahead.

-pack left overs in ready to eat and microwave safe containers, get to the grocery store and take your food list with you. 
-if you're eating out, take time to explore the menu and make healthy choices. ex: pick a kids size, choose fresh fruit, steamed veggies or a side salad instead of fries or chips.
-keep in mind that while high sugar and caffeine drinks can provide a short burst of energy, it's usually followed by a crash and can increase your stress levels and anxiety later.
-stay hydrated with plenty water
-focus on foods that will keep you feeling full and satisfied: fiber found in whole grains, fruit and veggies are always a good move! 

*below I've added just a few images to show how I challenge myself to battle my physical and mental stress. I hope you've read or seen something here that helps you in your journey to becoming a healthier and happier you. Take care of YOU and the rest will surely follow...

                          Lighten your mood and manage stress with a variety of essential oils!!

                              Relieve stress by playing a sport or finding a game you like!!

                                           Keep stress at bay by eating healthy lunches and dinners!!

                                   Find a good book to help you overcome mental stress!!

Kick stress to the curb by staying fueled/energized by snacking on fresh fruit and raw/mixed nuts!! (low sodium)
                            Avoid high sugar and high calorie drinks by adding infused water!!

Bring small exercise equipment to work to help battle everyday work stress!! 
     Meet up with friends on weekends for a stroll in the park to release the tension from your week!!

               Plan and pack meals/snacks ahead of time so you can be prepared for a busy week!!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Fake it til you make it....Who said??

Why do we have to fake it until we make it...?

Why can't we all just deal with what's going on in our lives and find healthy ways of coping? Is it because we don't encourage it?
-grief, disappointment, fear, anger and regret are just a few things we have all experienced at some point in our lives.
It's almost as if the world wants you to hold onto what's hurting you; keeping it bottled up inside. I challenge us to find healthy ways to face what's bothering you and set yourself free.

The way we express our emotions towards something says a lot more about you than it does about the circumstance or the situation you're in.
Once your wounds heal, you'll be able to express your emotions simply, respectfully and directly.

Negative emotions only causes more problems when we hang onto it or express it disrespectfully or in unhealthy ways. -if we pay attention to what our emotions are trying to tell us and take positive action; you've used your emotions wisely.

-notice and observe your feelings
-decide what isn't right and take action to address it instead of perpetuating the emotion
-fear is just a distraction and instills more fear, which could lead to anxiety and depression.

How debilitating? -to not be able to function enough to perform your basic needs...
ex: laundry, cleaning your room, building healthy relationships or simply being on time for work...

Victim energy or having a victimized state of mind only distracts you from addressing the real problem(s). Open up...and let it out!!!!

Then you have shame; which may leave you feeling exposed, vulnerable and worthless...this is a downward spiral. Over time, shame causes us to hide our true selves deeper and deeper so others can't see how we really feel. Emotions like shame and fear lead us to hide. We hide behind self-pity, self righteousness, perfectionism, anger, addictions, blame, rationalizing, analyzing, etc. but these defenses block and prevent us from healing.

Anxiety and guilt comes from the shame of not doing what society and other people tell us we should do.

Friends, this is not a how-to project: I want to simply challenge you/us to question yourselves on how you choose to deal with adversity in your lives... And remember, wellness comes from within.

"If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive" -author unknown

-Stay Blessed... <3

Piece of Mind...Peace of Mind

Hello healthy people: I'm back to talk stress management because I can't stress enough...how much staying organized can change your ...